June 25, 2024

Decoding Deforestation: Preparing for Mandatory Action


Deforestation poses a critical challenge as we strive for a sustainable, nature-positive society. Our global economy remains heavily reliant on natural resources for food, fiber, water, energy, and materials. That leaves us with one urgent question…

How can we meet growing demand for resources without over-exploiting our environment?

The Deforestation Crisis

Despite decades of commitments from governments and corporations, the world loses nearly six million hectares of forests every year, driven primarily by population growth and agricultural expansion. The World Bank reports that approximately 3.9 million square miles of forest have been lost since the 20th century. Seven commodities—cattle, oil palm, soy, cocoa, rubber, coffee, and plantation wood fiber—account for a significant portion of this deforestation. 

These industries contribute ~20% of global carbon emissions, far surpassing the aviation sector.

Europe's Response to Deforestation

Europe has made notable strides in reducing deforestation. The EU has implemented Regulation 2023/1115, which mandates that supply chains for several commodities be free from deforestation. This regulation underscores the severe consequences of forest destruction, including the loss of essential carbon sinks and increased risk of new diseases.

While this regulation is essential for sustainability, it poses challenges for businesses that must adapt quickly to comply. The regulation's influence is likely to extend beyond the EU, much like the standardization of mobile device chargers, pushing global industries toward more sustainable practices.

Meeting EUDR Compliance

Achieving EUDR compliance requires companies to integrate datasets to produce deforestation reports that include comprehensive assessments of emissions, land-use change, and land management. A new mandate is becoming clear: Companies must identify deforestation within their supply chains and develop strategies to eliminate it.

Public efforts, such as the EU Forest Observatory and the Observatory on Deforestation, provide valuable data to support compliance. These resources offer insights into forest cover changes and their drivers, aiding businesses in making informed decisions.

The Shift from Voluntary to Mandatory

The EUDR represents a significant step forward after decades of voluntary efforts falling short. While it won't stop deforestation overnight, it sets a clear mandate for companies and governments. The technical challenges ahead will require diverse data sources and solutions, with an emphasis on cost-effective and practical approaches.

Companies facing deforestation challenges—that will soon become crises—must leverage new data and analysis tools to ensure compliance, make intelligent decisions, and mitigate supply-chain risks. By doing so, they can make informed decisions that benefit shareholders, employees, communities, and the environment.

A Clear Path to a Tenable Solution 

The EUDR is a pivotal regulation that businesses can no longer ignore. It marks a shift toward mandatory action against deforestation, requiring a multi-faceted approach to address technical, legal, social, political, and economic issues. Companies equipped with the right data and tools are better positioned to navigate these challenges and contribute to a sustainable future for us all.

FLINTpro is dedicated to helping businesses tackle deforestation with advanced data and analysis tools, ensuring compliance and fostering positive environmental change. Contact us to learn how we can support your sustainability goals.